So, these are two corners of my universe:

and then of course, my crafting studio is in this room as well, so if I should be trying to make cards, sew, quilt, etc., I am in the room even more. There is a small window with a bakers rack full of junk between the two desks, but since it looks directly into the patio and living room of the apartment across the way, I don't always have the blinds open.
As this is the smallest room in the apartment and the one most full of "stuff", it is hot, cramped and crowded...and I am miserable.
Especially after I was having A/C problems the first time (last month), I began looking for solutions. I hate the mismatched desks. I hate the fact they are 1) both corner desks, 2) they are neither one actually set into a corner, 3) the style of the desks preclude storing items the way I like to store short, they may have been cheap solutions at the time, but they aren't working appropriately for my lifestyle.
So, as I started looking for better desks, I asked the advice of some friends. They know me--they know I collect office supplies and craft supplies and have a large research library. They also know I keep my A/C set on 80 to control my electric bill. Their solution? Switch my office with my bedroom. What a concept LOL.
See, my bedroom is much larger. I cannot put a ceiling fan in my current office because it would blow stuff around on my crafting table, but if that room was my bedroom, a ceiling fan would be an option. The closet in that room has double sliding doors and would be more than sufficient for my small wardrobe, while the walk-in closet in the current bedroom would allow for storage that would NOT have to be out in the open.
When I first moved in, I did not consider this a viable option as I was having to run Ethernet cable along the baseboard and punch holes in the wall simply to hook up my work PC. I was fearful of the distance and what it would do to my signal strength. Now, however, with a state-of-the-art modem and wireless router, moving my work equipment another 15 or 20 feet should pose no problem.
I'll post more pictures soon--especially the wonderful new matching desks I found!